Friday, February 11, 2011

TV and Such

I was so happy that Million Dollar Listing came back for another season on Bravo, but, no MDL without Chad? That is barely a show? I love to HATE him and his hairspray! The new guy just isn’t the same.

Intervention this week featured another (that makes 2!) new interventionist named Rod. He was sort of scary, and really takes a “tough love” approach to the intervention. At one point, he had the family just get in their cars and literally leave, and then he left. It worked, though!

Heavy on A & E just really leads me to believe that all obese people must live in Texas (everything’s bigger, right?!) because I figured out that this show is solely based out of Dallas. One thing bothers me, though, about how they are treating these patients. Not the show, but so far in only like 3 episodes, 2 people have lost weight and immediately decided (and been approved for) excess skin removal surgery! Now, I just don’t think that is a good thing to have the surgery while they are STILL continuing to lose weight, right? Why not wait to get it ALL removed at the end of your weight loss journey?

A friend and I figured out that we share a mutual love for many shows, so we have deicded a weekly view party of Gossip Girl and 90210. Our last weeks were spent chatting via GCHAT because of snow storms, so this week we finally got together for an in house viewing together. Good thing, too, because Teddy FINALLY came out of the closet on 90, the girl surfer is now addicted to marijuana, Naomi got scammed (you could see that coming from a mile away), and on Gossip Girl S proves to be (once again) the reason why any and all drama happens surrounding her family. And lastly, AJ informed me that he would divorce me if I ever cut my hair like Silvers. Done. Information overload.

My Life as Liz is back too! Definitely not as good with Liz being in New York, though. She is still totally lovable though. I love her fake red hair though! One day…

Oh, Teen Moms… where do I even begin? Janelle’s homeless boyfriend? Yuck. And now Janelle is out on the streets too because she opted to sleep on the floor of her friends gross apartment instead of waking up to take care of her son. I do think her mother is really annoying, and actually I think her mom has let the TV stuff go to her head a little bit too much (just by the way she is acting all dramatic about everything), but Janelle is a dead beat mom. She is right about that. And the curly headed girl just will never be happy. She resents her husband for leaving her at home all day with the twins, and that just wont end well. I cant believe Aubree’s (is that her name?) boyfriend moving back in and expecting to not pay a dime. But the dad totally didn’t stand his ground! I would have kicked them BOTH out of the house!

The Middle
really is a hilarious show. I sort of feel lame for watching it, but it is funny stuff (and it comes on right before Modern Family so just set your DVR 30 minutes earlier!).

Despite the fact that I watched all of that this week, it was a super busy week. So I forced myself to stay up later every night (only TV can persuade me to stay up any later than I want to!). And tomorrow is the hubs birthday! I don’t think he realizes that the Justin Bieber movie is on my agenda for his birthday plans…

1 comment:

  1. we like the middle too. are you watching southland? you can tell it's on cable now.
