Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, Snow Day (again)

I think probably one of the greatest perks of living in Boston is that people arent very "weather-tough" here. School has been cancelled for 3 days in the last 2 weeks, and none of these days would have even been a snow day for schools in South Dakota (well, maybe that one day would have been, but I dont know). Also, the temperatures here haven't been below zero. Actually, I am not even sure that we have even seen single digits! Look at how living in the Upper Midwest has made me so TOUGH! Granted, I do not like winter/snow/cold temps at all whatsoever--no matter where they take place. But, Boston winters are nothing compared to SD winters! However, I am thankful that people here dont just try to keep on with daily life when it snows, because then I dont have to go to work! So, dont change Bostonians!

I have also come to the conclusion this week that Mormons are fat. We must be more fat than other groups in the nation. How did I decide this? I am only basing this on the fact that on nearly every (maybe even EVERY) season of The Biggest Loser, there is an LDS person. At least one! And, now on the new MTV Show, I Used to Be Fat, there was an LDS girl. Coincedence? I think not. We are fat! And/or we apply to be on a lot of TV shows.

Speaking of obese shows, the big reveal of the trainers happened on Biggest Loser this week. Totally anticlimatic. I wanted the girl trainer to be Laila Ali, but it wasnt. Some no names.

OOH! And new show Heavy on A & E started, but it really didnt seem as good of a show as all the other obesity shows I watch (and love). The reason it isnt as good is because these people are only followed for 6 months, therefore, barely getting close to losing 100 lbs--and they have a lot to lose! I just needed a follow-up at the end of the show to let me know how these people are doing NOW, like they do in Intervention.

Totally unrelated observation: I have been eating the Lean Cuisine panini sandwiches for years now. They are actually pretty good and perfect to take to work. I noticed today when I made one for lunch (I was off from work and didnt even go OUT for lunch! Go me!) that the little round paper plate piece that you microwave your sandwich on says "patent pending." I could care less about this patent, except for the fact that as long as I have been eating these sandwiches (years!) this little plate has always said "patent pending." Poor person who is trying to get this patented! Isnt that taking a really long time? Is it ever going to happen?

These are the types of things that worry my mind. Patents on my lean cuisine sandwich plate. Most especially, the poor guy whose life dream is to have this patent approved! I hope it ends up happening for you, dude. I really do.

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