Friday, May 14, 2010

Finales are Coming Soon.

I am so not excited about the finales of both Biggest Loser and LOST that are looming in the near future. I think BL is done this week!

I was so sad to see Sam go last week, but how awesome was it that he is now dating Stephanie?! Love that! And now its Koli, Daris, Ashley, and Mike left. You all know how I feel about Mike. He is such a baby. He doesnt work hard. "We had makeover week and I still had to shop at a Big and Tall store!" Um, YEAH Michael. You were over 500 pounds. Of course you still have to shop at a big and tall store, GET OVER IT! He and Shay need to get together and just complain about everything. And then eat cupcakes. I really would be ok with anyone other than Michael winning, although deep down I really want Koli to win!

I assume you know already that the finale of LOST was extended from 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours! So many things to clear up, you know, they just had to extend it. I did read the Entertainment Weekly that was all about LOST (awesomeness!), and it says that we will get answers in the finale, but also may leave feeling like they didnt just give us the answers. Whatever that means. I am excited!

I havent yet posted (or have I? I dont remember) about one of my new favorite shows, 9 By Design, on BRAVO. I want to have 7 kids (most or all adopted, of course) and name them the exact same names as their kids. And I wish I had even ONE creative, artistic bone in my body so I could design my awesome apartment in Boston half as good as they do.

We are off to see Robinhood tonight (AJ has been so excited because he seems to think that its going to be 'awesome' just like Gladiator. I am indifferent). Then, BEACH TOMORROW!

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