Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Team Jacob vs. Team Smoke Monster

No, I am not referring to Team Jacob that is associated with Twilight. In case you didnt know, I loathe Twilight. I am of course referring to LOST! Awesomeness! So, honestly, I sort of dig the new John Locke/Man in Black/Smoke Monster. He is just honest, and I like that. What I DIDNT like was when he pushed my #1 Man Desmond into the well last night. Not cool at all. However, I do think he may, in some twisted way, be helping him. We shall see. And now we know that the alternate universe isnt really "alternate" because it is happening, and the island stuff has happened too! I love that they can remember what happened if they are linked with right person. Why Desmond had to run over Locke with the car, I dont know. It was awesome,though.

I was on a sort of computer hiatus for the last week because our computer was nearly overtaken by viruses. I blame it on all of the (illegal?) TV I watch online. I just cant wait for Friday Night Lights to be on NBC, ok? I HAVE to watch it early from a shady website taped from directv! BTW, if you havent seen this new season of FNL, get ready! It is more amazing than ever! And they brought in new characters seamlessly.

We have been busy and will continue to be pretty busy the rest of the summer. This last weekend marked our (probably) last weekends in DC and at the Temple there. We love it there and will be so sad that we cant just run down to DC, go to the temple, shop in Georgetown, have dinner, and come home all in a day. We ARE looking forward to living even CLOSER to the temple in Boston! Yay!

I did of course watch FreshMeat and it needs to be discussed! It just doesnt feel the same without Evan along with Kenny, but the drama is definitely going to escalate. There are way too many girls kissing both girls and guys, though. What is up with that?

Whose side are you on, Bethennyss or Jills? This last episode made me sort of think that I am on Bethennys side because she is at least TRYING to smooth things over. Their drama is wearing old on me, though. Yes, obviously I have still been watching because I cant stop.

I have the TV on right now while I am blogging, and House of Pain is on (hate Tyler Perry) but Rudy from the Cosby Show is on there! Go Rudy!

1 comment:

  1. Mike thinks they have to either touch another person from the island to remember, or have a near death experience to remember....that's why he thinks Desmond ran over Locke. - It's just Mike's interpretation
