Friday, April 2, 2010

It's the Weekend!

You would seriously think that I had much more time to blog since I only work part-time...but honestly, I have so much less time! How does that work?

Anyway, it was about time for Jonathan to go home on Project Runway last night, right? I mean, he had been pretty terrible and on-the-line for a while, so he was bound to go soon. Now I have officially decided that I am for Seth Aaron (although the goth red carpet outfit last night wasnt great) OR Emilio. I loved Emilio's print from last week where he used his own logo. What was with whats her face going home so suddenly? That was weird.

We all know Lost is amazing, but this week's episode was sort of a let down. I just really dont see how they can weave the Dharma Initiative into Jacob and the man in black's existance on the Island! I mean, Widmore was only on the island because of Dharma! So how can he have something major to do with it? I really wanted the package to be Walt...I love Desmond, but whatever happened to all of that "constant" business? So many questions and only 6 more episodes for answers!!!!

Biggest Loser: I hate Mike. He annoys me and is sucha big baby. As much as I dont want to like the red lady who came back this week, I just have to love her! She is so competitive and mean-spirited!

Cant wait for the Fresh Meat Challenge to start Wednesday! And I saw new previews for The City too!! Yay!

And, just made a Lauren Conrad collection purchase from Kohls today in their honor...

Its 80 degrees here! Celebrate!

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