Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Word of the Day

So I think it has been a while since I posted on the last Jersey Shore episode. Oddly enough, out of all of the trash TV I watch, Jersey Shore is one of the shows that AJ and I can enjoy together. He came home the other night while I was watching the newest episode, and actually wanted me to start it over at the beginning so he could watch! Now if only he could get on board with Real Housewives...

Anyway,there have been quite a few funny things on the last few eps. I loved that the girls typed up a letter to give to Sammi (to inform her that Ronnie is cheating on her), and the way Ronnie deduced that there was no way Snooki could have written the letter was because the word "wisely" was used. He said she didnt use big words like that. And on that same note, Snooki did say that the word of the day was "sympathetic" because it was a big word. Now, I am no wordsmith or scholar by any means...but even I dont classify sympathetic as a "big" word. And is Sammi just the clingiest girlfriend EVER? Ugh she annoys me!

So I am a week behind on Secret Life, but last week I LOVED that Molly Ringwald made a 16 Candles comment on the show. They were talking about how everyone forgot Amy's birthday, and she said, "Everyone forgot my 16th birthday and it stuck with me the rest of my life!" LOVE IT!

I found a new fat show to watch (because I seriously just like watching obese people for some weird reason). "Too Fat for 15" is the name of the show, on TLC I think. It is a real life Fat Camp, but seriously, one of the girls is really big and it is sad. It is a good filler until Biggest Loser starts again (in just a little less than a month! Holler!!!!)

We watched a good movie this last weekend. It was a LITTLE odd, but not enough to bother me. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (with Michael Cera). Pretty entertaining. We also went to an improv comedy with some friends, and I decided it would be so freaking funny if I signed up to take an improv class. Really, I mean...how hilarious would that be if I had to TRY really hard to be funny? And by hilarity, I realize that it would only be funny to me. I seriously want to sign up.

I have to touch a little bit on the disappointing Emmys that were Sunday night. How does LOST not win best drama? Over Mad Men (quite possibly one of the most popular boring shows EVER!!!)???? LOST needed to win SOMETHING! HELLO? When has there EVER been a TV phenomenon like Lost? Never!

OK, enough on that. I was happy that the 2 actors from Breaking Bad won (even though Locke or Ben Linus didnt win). Breaking Bad is a good show, with good acting (my professional opinion of course). Of course Modern Family deserved it too. Love that show.

On a more pressing annoyance at the Emmy's: Betty White. She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO played out right now, and I am OVER it. Fine, put her on a funny SNL skit, and we all laugh and reminisce on The Golden Girls (great show). But she seriously loses her "freshness" (if you can call it that) when she is EVERYWHERE. I am over you, Rose. And where/why did she come back all of a sudden anyway?

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