Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Yes, I am Thankful for Stuff

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you ordered your meal from Boston Market like I did to ensure a relaxing, stress-free holiday. Awesome.

There is no need to make the huge list of all of the many things I am thankful for, because it is seriously so much it would never be done.

But at this exact very moment, I am especially thanksful for this week's episode of 16 and Pregnant.

If you missed it, you really missed a gem of a story. It all started with a shot of the new Teen Mom's room, complete with a Billy Ray Cyrus poster. I repeat. She had a poster of Billy Ray Cyrus (from the 90s). And, she didnt even live in Alabama!! Surprise! It was absolutely priceless.

It was an episode jam-packed with the usual commentary procided by the teen mother herself! This ALWAYS includes:
"I thought everything would be ok, but nothing has worked out as I had planned."
"How are we going to make this work once the baby comes?"

This mother and her fiancee (oh, sorry, husband...they got married by a judge right before the baby was born), topped it off though by their solution to their money woes: GOLD PANNING. Yep. Gold panning was how they were going to make money for their new baby.

It doesnt get any better than that, people.

But once again, it just breaks your heart that they have to go through this because it is never easy and it NEVER works out like the mothers think it will. And that is why teens watching 16 and Pregnant is probably one of the best ways to prevent teen pregnancy.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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