Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I first learned about "LARPING" several years ago on Wife Swap. (For the uninformed, LARPING = Live Action Role Playing). It is a totally hilarious practice and is already making me laugh just thinking about it. So naturally, I was hysterical when I saw on this week's episode of HUGE that the Fat Campers all loved larping! It just doesnt get better than that. Well, it does, actually. When the campers are discovered by a group of "cool" kids and then start chanting something like "Leave Us Alone! Leave Us Alone!" SOOO FUNNY.

And since I know you are all on the edge of your seats, Adriann on Secret Life didnt go through with the abortion. I was wondering if ABC Family was actually going to go through with that! But Amy doesnt know she is prego yet! What will she do when she finds out Ben is the Dad? And I clearly missed something because I didnt know Grace was in love with Ben?

So, obviously on Pretty Little Liars they want us to think that the weird dude with the blind step sister is A...but that is just too easy. I hope that maybe it ends up being a real ghost of A in the end. But I still want to know why, if this A is indeed their dead friend, she is mad at them and clearly hates them now.

So sad that last night was the last episode of The Hills E-V-E-R!!!! I seriously am sad, and was even teary eyed when I watched the After Show. They showed really old scenes from the first season of Laguna Beach, and it made me miss those days! And I miss Stephen! And where is Jason now? And why does no one seem to know ANYTHING about Heidi and Spencer? MTV has to know where they are, right? I mean, werent they in some sort of contract with the show? I am so confused. And are they really divorced? Brody dating Avril? Gross.

Have you watched the new season of Kathy Griffin's Life on the D List? It has been pure hilarity so far.

I did watch the fight to end all fights on RH-New Jersey. Danielle is a freaking psycho, but so Teresa for not being able to walk away. But what a drama queen Danielle was! I mean, she was in the car that would be able to take her away, yet she didnt leave. She just sat shaking in the back seat, and then when the police got there, she says "All I want to do is go home!" Well, why dont you go then??!!

Did any of you see the psycho teenager on Dr. Phil yesterday? She scared me.

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