Monday, July 12, 2010

OCD Issues

I have an issue with the OCD shows that are airing on both VH1 (The OCD Project) and A & E (Obsessed). I know I said I probably wouldnt watch because they make me feel a little crazy, but when has that ever stopped me? So, I have been watching, and seriously, they ask these people with OCD to do some crazy stuff that normal people wouldnt/shouldnt do (me being the standard of normal here)!
Example One: OCD patient has fear of getting a deadly disease from touching contaminated stuff. (Um, YEAH, that is a legit fear!) Anyway, so her doctor takes her to a port-a-potty and makes her go in. Whatev, we have all done it and dread it. So she is freaking a little bit. I dont have a problem with that part. However, THEN she proceeds to try and make her TOUCH THE TOILET SEAT OF THE PORT-A-POTTY! WHATTTT!?? No one in their right mind would do that, OCD or not (RIGHT!?)
Example Two: A lady is really crazy about cleaning stuff. She wants everything to be very clean and orderly (what is wrong with that?), especially her bedroom and sheets. SO, the doctor had her pee in a cup. Then he made her touch her own pee in the cup (really?? This isnt Fear Factor!). THEN, he tried to make her rub her pee-infested hand all over her pillows and sheets. And not immediately wash them. WHATTT??? No one wants to sleep on pee sheets!
I was disturbed by both examples, because if not wanting to touch the port-a-potty's toilet seat and not wanting to run pee all over my pillow make me OCD, then so be it.

I also watched the marathon of You're Cut Off yesterday on VH1. (Man, I hate not having good TV stored on my DVR!!!) I said it before, and I will say it again, dont watch. That having been said, you can get some good laughs. Like when one of the ladies says a task (cleaning the floor) is too "Mandoon" for her, meaning it was too mundane, but whatever, right? hahaha Funniest part is, she didnt even realize it was wrong.

Guess whose apartment building could be seen in a few of the shots of this week's Boston Med (the scenes where the helicopter is landing)? MINE! I am practically A-List now, no? How annoying is that ER nurse who wont stop smacking her gum all the time!!!!???? And, why doesnt she ever bring clothes to change in to after work if she knows she is going out? She really annoys me. And she needs to take the gum out of her mouth, because I am admittedly OCD about hearing people chew!

Breakthrough on HUGE! The biggest girl at camp isnt happy being fat even though she says she is! Wow. What a revelation. ( I feel like I am being a little snippy today?)

Do you think Padma hates it every time Bravo makes her say "Top Chef DC: Hail to the CHEF?" That is the lamest play on words and I am embarrassed for her every time she says it. I know Bravo writers could have thought of something a little more clever to say than that. "Hail to the Chef?" Come on!

So the next fight on Real Housewives of New Jersey (that I am still not technically watching, wink, wink)is tonight and it is going to be a good one (or so they make it seem). I am excited.

What else am I excited about? Finding out if Adrienne went through with the abortion on Secret Life!

1 comment:

  1. That is totally disgusting about the OCD show!! I didn't see that one! And the girl smacking her gums instantly reminded me of the guy on the grayline!! AAGGH!! SO ANNOYING!
